Technical manuals drafting
MyEdit deals with the preparation of manuals, in collaboration with the technical department of companies, and various products such as manuals for the use and maintenance of machines or equipment, parts manuals, assembly manuals, spare parts lists etc..
The technical drafting of manuals or "technical writing" is an activity which, based on the machinery’s technical and design documentation, is able to develop a manual or technical document that not only complies with the quality required by industry regulations but is also easy to read and user-friendly. It’s crucial to highlight the correct procedure of the steps required to safeguard people and the system and to ensure the smooth-running of the machinery.
As far as the usability of technical documentation is concerned MyEdit devotes considerable importance to graphic design; an aspect that is fundamental for properly understanding the information provided.
And finally, the last aspect when drafting technical manuals, which should not be underestimated, is synthesis: the ability to transmit technical information both easily and immediately.