Designing Books and Volumes
MyEdit provides a number of editorial and pagination services for any type of publication of books. Whether it be books of fiction or prestigious art publishing, MyEdit’s graphics professionals can provide a complete and customized service from start to finish. Preparation of the project according to the communication objectives, collecting iconographic material, photograph services, choice of fonts, page layout, photo-editing for the press, proofreading, executive production; these are all the steps for a quality product.
Periodic publishing
Editorial graphics is visual journalism. Thanks to its experienced professionals, MyEdit can design magazines, newspapers, newsletters and any other periodical publication both on paper and digitally.
When launching an editorial publication of this type, the most important point is to graphically design the publication based on the needs and characteristics of the main target. For example if you want to create a monthly publication destined for over forty year olds you need to choose a font size that isn’t small because it is assumed that at that age the reader’s sight is no longer perfect. Conversely to attract a young audience you will need to use warm colors (red, orange, yellow-orange), colors that symbolize action and passion.