Corporate identity and product image: the "Brand identity"
The corporate image is a judgment. The judgment that the market (i.e. consumers) has of a company, its products, its services. The image is the result of several factors such as the quality of the products sold or the services offered, years of market presence and corporate and advertising communication.
The relationship with clients is created through the corporate image. Therefore the perception that a client has of a company is closely linked to the values it transmits through its public image.
The company Logo, the heart of the image
A logo is a symbol that is easily identifiable and unique with respect to the entity or company it represents. By using precise visual elements a logo creates an image that is used on all promotional materials that clearly identify and bind products to the company.
The logo is the first contact with the company's reference target. A smart and simple logo also conveys the care it puts into its products. A logo that is difficult to understand and made with inappropriate colors or signs will give a negative impression with regards to what the company does or sells.
Corporate or product brochure: informing to sell
The brochure is a very important marketing tool for any business and plays a key role in the relationship with clients. A brochure designed and created in the right way, able to appropriately communicate the value of the company, is a fundamental business card with which to increase not only clients but also revenue. Furthermore it may contain important information about the company's products, their convenience or quality. A brochure should catch the eye of those who look at it, so it makes sense to have brochures that are creatively designed and captivating. This doesn’t necessarily mean using bright colors or large letters, instead it means having clear in mind who the reference target is and designing a product that can meet their tastes.
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