MyEdit provides a layout translations service carried out by Adobe Certified Experts (ACE) who re-paginate the translated file while fully respecting the source’s technical characteristics. The processing is managed by the software with which the original version was created, in particular the following applications are mainly used: Adobe InDesign, MS Office, Adobe Frame Maker, Adobe PageMaker, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw Quak Xpress and Autocad.
Review of the translated layout
My Edit carries out professional reviewing of the technical documents translated in order to check the exact correspondence of text formats with respect to the source document.
Layout Optimization
At the client’s request, MyEdit offers a graphic files optimization service in order to ensure conformity with the correct layout rules. This often allows to have documents that are more manageable by making any new processes more free-flowing and therefore less expensive. For this purpose we also handle, once again at the client’s request, any updating of the source files to the latest versions of their software.